Attractions in Vienna, Vienna.
The 300 square metres modern and interactive company museum of Bestattung und Friedhöfe Wien (Austria's leading funeral director), reopened in October 2014, gives the visitors an idea about Viennese funeral ceremonies, the Viennese funeral business, the historical development of Viennese cemeteries and the peculiarities of the Viennese death cult reaching from the end of the 18th century to the present. The quite morbidly called “schöne L...
Our 5 day weather forecast for Vienna updated throughout the day, making it ideal for planning leisure activities, travel and events. Read more about our weather forecasts.
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (259°, WSW)
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 33 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (256°, WSW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.32 in / 1024 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (276°, W)
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.4 in / 1027 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (275°, W)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.44 in / 1028 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 23 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (282°, WNW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.46 in / 1029 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 17 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (268°, W)
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.52 in / 1031 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 13 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.58 in / 1033 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Our weather forecast for Vienna is updated throughout the day and has been found to be very reliable for planning activities such as days out, leisure, travel, events, fishing, golf and gardening.
For activities that rely on weather forecasts for safety or financial reasons, such as farming, flying, sailing and shipping, we have found our forecasts to be reliable, but we always recommend that you compare several weather forecast sources to ensure you are able to plan your activities safely.
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 234
The 300 square metres modern and interactive company museum of Bestattung und Friedhöfe Wien (Austria's leading funeral director), reopened in October 2014, gives the visitors an idea about Viennese funeral ceremonies, the Viennese funeral business, the historical development of Viennese cemeteries and the peculiarities of the Viennese death cult reaching from the end of the 18th century to the present. The quite morbidly called “schöne Leich” (literally translated “beautiful corpse”) is not solely an expression for an extravagant burial but also reveals a certain attitude towards life: death is inescapable – so let’s live with it.
More than 250 objects and visual material from the archives of Bestattung und Friedhöfe Wien are waiting to be discovered. Among other things, a horse-drawn closed carriage for the transportation of the deceased from the time around 1900, numerous uniforms reaching from the lush costumes under the Spanish court ceremonial to today’s simple robes and the first grave book of the Vienna Central Cemetery dating back to 1874. Furthermore, bizarre relicts from a time when people feared to be buried alive, like a special sort of dagger or a life-saving clock for the seemingly dead, are showcased. A fold away coffin dated from 1784 gives an idea of how people were buried in Mozart’s time. Also on display are death notices from different centuries, death crowns, death masks and several coffins, among them an egg-shaped casket in wine red. Thirteen monitors play videos of which some have never been opened to the public before. Two raree-shows illustrate different types of funerals in the stiles of different epochs and according to the social classes. An audio-station provides the visitors with the most popular songs recently played at funeral ceremonies.
On the narrative level visitors can follow the chronology of a bereavement: deceased – mourned – transported – buried – remembered. A bridge evolves in the museum area which takes visitors across the floor level through the exhibition so that from here the exhibits, display cases and media stations can be observed. While the surrounding space is in darkness the exhibits and display cases are illuminated in white light, and only the bridge is bathed in yellowish warm light. An additional area of 60 square metres enables topic-related events or special exhibitions. The access to the Museum is barrier-free via a 30-metre-long path downwards.