Attractions in Llanberis, Gwynedd.
KAYAK RENTALS & LESSONS In Llanberis Based on the shoreline of Llyn (Lake) Padarn at the foot of Snowdon, the Surf-lines watersports shop offer kayak and paddleboard rentals, lessons, activity fun camps for Children over the summer holidays. We also offer bespoke paddlesport mentoring and development for those wishing to take their paddling further. Whether it’s to improve your safety skills as a parent taking your kids out on the lake, or wishing...
Our 5 day weather forecast for Llanberis updated throughout the day, making it ideal for planning leisure activities, travel and events. Read more about our weather forecasts.
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (259°, WSW)
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 33 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (256°, WSW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.32 in / 1024 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (276°, W)
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.4 in / 1027 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (275°, W)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.44 in / 1028 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 23 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (282°, WNW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.46 in / 1029 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 17 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (268°, W)
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.52 in / 1031 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 13 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.58 in / 1033 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Our weather forecast for Llanberis is updated throughout the day and has been found to be very reliable for planning activities such as days out, leisure, travel, events, fishing, golf and gardening.
For activities that rely on weather forecasts for safety or financial reasons, such as farming, flying, sailing and shipping, we have found our forecasts to be reliable, but we always recommend that you compare several weather forecast sources to ensure you are able to plan your activities safely.
Unit 2 - Y Glyn
LL55 4EL
In Llanberis
Based on the shoreline of Llyn (Lake) Padarn at the foot of Snowdon, the Surf-lines watersports shop offer kayak and paddleboard rentals, lessons, activity fun camps for Children over the summer holidays.
We also offer bespoke paddlesport mentoring and development for those wishing to take their paddling further. Whether it’s to improve your safety skills as a parent taking your kids out on the lake, or wishing to know more about fishing from a kayak, learning to paddle the tidal races of Anglesey or run a grade 4 river. We can plan a programme to take you to where you want to go.
We also provide group activities for schools and colleges and can cater for large groups who want to only do a day of adventurous activity within a week of other activities.
Please feel free to call us to see what we can do for you or check out our website.