Attractions in Austin, TX.
Mexic-Arte Museum was founded in 1984 by artists Sylvia Orozco, Sam Coronado, and Pio Pulido in the Arts Warehouse, in downtown Austin, to share the art and culture of Mexico with Texas. Starting with the Day of the Dead festival in the fall of 1984, the museum began offering outstanding cultural programs and obtained its non-profit status during the 1984 season. Since then, it has continued to present art by the finest established and emerging a...
Our 5 day weather forecast for Austin updated throughout the day, making it ideal for planning leisure activities, travel and events. Read more about our weather forecasts.
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (259°, WSW)
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 33 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (256°, WSW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.27 in / 1022 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 31 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.32 in / 1024 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (276°, W)
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.4 in / 1027 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 24 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (275°, W)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.44 in / 1028 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 23 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (282°, WNW)
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.46 in / 1029 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 17 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (268°, W)
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.52 in / 1031 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Wind speed: 13 mph / undefined kph
Wind direction: (269°, W)
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10 km
Pressure: 30.58 in / 1033 mb
Precipitation: 0 in / 0 mm
Our weather forecast for Austin is updated throughout the day and has been found to be very reliable for planning activities such as days out, leisure, travel, events, fishing, golf and gardening.
For activities that rely on weather forecasts for safety or financial reasons, such as farming, flying, sailing and shipping, we have found our forecasts to be reliable, but we always recommend that you compare several weather forecast sources to ensure you are able to plan your activities safely.
419 Congress Avenue
Mexic-Arte Museum was founded in 1984 by artists Sylvia Orozco, Sam Coronado, and Pio Pulido in the Arts Warehouse, in downtown Austin, to share the art and culture of Mexico with Texas. Starting with the Day of the Dead festival in the fall of 1984, the museum began offering outstanding cultural programs and obtained its non-profit status during the 1984 season. Since then, it has continued to present art by the finest established and emerging artists from the United States, Mexico and Latin America.
To expand its programs and exhibitions, Mexic-Arte Museum moved into its current home at 419 Congress Avenue in 1988. This ideal location placed the museum in the heart of Austin’s vibrant downtown – Central Texas’ epicenter of commerce, culture, arts and tourism. As one of the precious few Mexican art museums in the United States, Mexic-Arte Museum strives to improve the quality of life in Texas through innovative exhibitions and educational programming. A total of 75,000 visitors, ranging from enthusiastic children to art connoisseurs, tour the museum each year.
Mexic-Arte Museum’s impressive history has prepared it to become one of the foremost arts institutions in the region. The next few years will see the museum dramatically expand its facility, its scope and its resources.