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Bude Flooding - Friday 3rd January 2014 - Tidal Surge Threatens Coastal Towns In Cornwall

2nd January 2014

On Friday the 3rd of January, a combination of a low pressure weather system, high spring tide and gale force winds, is likely to cause a tidal surge that will increase the usual spring tide level of 5.16m, by another 0.8m, causing overtopping of coastal defences.

From early on Friday morning gusts of wind of up to 65 miles per hour and large waves of 6-9 metres are forecast. Beaches, coastal promenades, roads and footpaths will be extremely dangerous. The Environment Agency are advising the public to avoid these areas and have issued a severe flood warning, meaning that severe flooding and danger to life is possible.

High tide at Bude is at 06:40, and flood conditions will usually apply 2 to 4 hours either side of high tide. Overtopping of coastal defences is likely with high energy large waves and spray, combined with high spring tides and high winds. Flooding is expected at exposed coastal locations.

The high winds, heavy rain and tidal surge are expected to affect many coastal towns in Cornwall, Devon, Wales and the South coast of England throughout Friday 3rd January.

ITV News correspondent Rupert Evelyn posted on Twitter that he was approached today by 2 elderly residents in Bude who live in the area at risk of severe flooding. They told him that they have no flood defences and asked if he knew where they could get them. One resident told Rupert that they usually get sandbags, but have received nothing this time.

Other residents of Bude do not seem as concerned. One lady told ITV that she ignores flood warnings in Bude because they get so many, yet she says she always stays dry.

This page will be updated regularly on Friday with any new information about the floods.

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