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UK Snow Expected 12th / 13th / 14th January 2015 - Yellow Weather Warning

12th January 2015
Yellow weather warnings affecting the whole country on Wednesday 14th.

Yellow weather warnings affecting the whole country on Wednesday 14th.

The Met office have issued Yellow weather warnings of snow for Monday 12th, Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th January 2015, as a deep depression passing close to the north of Scotland pulls cold air across the UK.

On Monday evening, frequent sleet and snow showers will develop in northern parts of Scotland, moving south as the evening progresses. Accumulations of 2 - 4cm are likely on higher ground, but also at low levels in some areas. Accumulations of 10cm or more are possible in northern Scotland at heights above 300m. Icy patches are likely to develop from early Monday evening, and Hail and Lightning could be additional hazards, particularly on Western coasts.

By Tuesday morning, the risk of snow will have extended further south, affecting Northern parts of England and Northern Ireland. By Tuesday evening, a more persistent spell of snow may settle over Scotland, even at lower levels. Snow could continue on until Wednesday morning, and ice could again be a hazard on Tuesday night.

On Tuesday there is also a Yellow weather warning of Snow and Ice for Wales, and the South of England. It's unclear exactly where will be worst affected, but at the moment it looks as though the very west of Cornwall and the Eastern parts of England will escape the worst. For the rest of us we could see a covering of snow, particularly at higher levels, but it will be a little hit and miss, with a lot of places within the Yellow warning area not seeing any snow at all. However, where snow does fall, it is likely to be quite heavy and settle quickly. Icy patches will also form on untreated surfaces. The public should be aware of the risk of tricky driving conditions.

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