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UK Storm Xaver 5th December - Gale Force Winds Hit UK And Severe Flooding Expected

5th December 2013
UK Storm - fallen tree
Winds hitting the UK area causing trees ta fall and severe disruption to travel.

Winds hitting the UK area causing trees ta fall and severe disruption to travel.

NEW: Live as it happens coverage of the storm and flooding.

Much of Scotland and The North and East of England are currently experiencing gale force winds of up to 90 mph, causing trees to fall and severe disruption to travel. All of Scotland's rail network is currently shut down and recently many rail networks in the North of England have had to close parts parts of the network due to debris, in one case a Gazebo, falling in the track.

At least one person has been killed in Scotland, a lorry driver who's HGV vehicle overturned in severe winds. Continuing winds and possible severe floods mean that there is still further danger to life over the coming hours.

As Thursday goes on, winds will continue to move South, with 70 mph winds in the Midlands, North Wales and East Anglia.

A storm surge caused by a low pressure system, strong winds and high tides causing severe threats of flooding for East Anglia later on Thursday, and possibly Kent tonight as the storm surge moves South.

The Environment Agency have issued 189 flood warning including 31 Severe flood warnings. Severe flood warnings are issued if there is imminent threat to life.  Check the Environment Agency website for flood warnings in your area.

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